
Cafe Disco

By / Photography By | March 05, 2021
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A French macaron shop started by Amanda and Spenser Sakurai in OKC’s Arts District in 2018, Café Disco reflects a perfect fusion of Amanda’s passion for baking and photography with Spenser’s deep interest in coffee.

The couple’s love of the show The Office inspired the café’s name, making reference to an episode in which Michael takes a small office room he had leased and converts it into an awkward dance hall and coffee shop named, of course, Café Disco.

Café Disco’s unique specialty flavors are created by striking a balance between unconventional but very satisfying flavors. The fig and goat cheese macaron, a seasonal favorite, features flavorful goat cheese buttercream and fig jam sandwiched between two perfectly crispy discs of macaron.

Classic flavors such as crème brûlée and almond are on the menu year-round as well as some unique customer favorites like cherry blossom, honey lavender, and Earl Grey.

“What we do to get started is make the French meringue from egg whites and sugar, we then take almond flour and powdered sugar, and combine them with a folding technique, which is the tricky part,” says Amanda. “Then we actually pipe them out into perfect circles and bake and fill them.”

Covid and quarantine has been a challenge for many businesses, including Café Disco, but it’s also given them time to reevaluate their options.

“Yeah, we started shipping nationwide and that’s been awesome,” says Amanda. “Curbside has also been really great, I think people really like that option. It has all been tough, but it’s allowed us to get creative with other things and honestly, that’s been good.”

Currently, there are plans to look at opening a second location as well as expanding the menu, along with offering macaron classes when the time is right.

>Cafe Disco: 629 W. Main St. Ste. 103, Oklahoma City, (405) 594-2496;

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