cooking skills

Sous Vide, Cooking in a Vacuum

By / Photography By | March 20, 2023
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A lesson in immersion circulation

What I’m about to say may be slightly controversial or, at the very least, surprising. Here’s my confession: I do not own a slow cooker (a crock pot) and I do not own a “fast cooker” (think Instant Pot). What got me to this point?

I’m pretty particular about what takes up space in my kitchen. Over the years, I’ve realized that the majority of my cooking can be accomplished with a simple skillet or a dutch oven. If I can get the same result with my basic equipment, then a specialty appliance does not make the cut for a spot in my pantry. To be in my kitchen, a specialty appliance must be more than just … special. With that in mind, I tell you the following: An immersion circulator and a vacuum sealer are absolutely worth having.

First: What is sous vide?

Sous vide is a cooking technique that uses: an immersion circulator [a small electric appliance that circulates and warms water to a specific temperature], a water bath, and a food item that’s been vacuum-sealed in a cooking bag.

Second: What makes the sous vide technique so useful?

It cooks food gently without overcooking it — most recipes can hold at the perfect doneness for several hours. It’s simple and versatile, cooking everything from fish to steak to flan. It works well for low-fat recipes because moisture is retained in the sealed cooking bag, eliminating the need for oil. Which immersion circulator should you buy? I recommend one that comes with a well-developed app that has high reviews. Check for a manufacturer with a website full of recipes, tips, and best practices. Thinking about a vacuum sealer? Although they aren’t completely necessary, they are very useful. A zipper-top bag works well, too!

The fun thing about sous vide is that you can start out with a very simple, basic recipe and before you know it you’re an expert, preparing the most delicious steak, shrimp, or egg bites you’ve ever tasted.

Speaking of steak and shrimp and egg bites, here are three recipes you need to Sous Vide this spring!

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